Unless you stretch yourself, unless you practice stretching your mind on a regular basis with utmost sincerity, unless you are in touch with your true self, you will not find peace; never ever find peace.
You might have everything life can offer- name-fame-riches-social status- plenty of people at your beck and call. Yet, you will be empty at heart. Until you are in tune with your higher destiny you will experience lack.
You might have cooked Chicken Biryani or Chicken Ala Kiev, put all your heart and soul to cooking, but have forgotten to add salt, how will the dish taste? Despite all the good ingredients, despite all your effort it will be tasteless.
Likewise, one must live for a cause, live for something greater than oneself or else life will be meaningless. “That something greater than oneself,” you might call God, without which something is missing in life.
As you surrender yourself wholly and solely to God, you will recognize, your requirements are met, your needs are taken care of. Deep inside you will feel, there is someone who guides you and leads you to the royal road of fulfillment.
The forces that drag you down- the people that pull you down have become powerless for your journey upward has already begun. You will experience a kind of joy you have never experienced before, taste the kind of freedom you have never tasted before.
Within you is love overflowing that no language can describe, as you notice, when you think, God thinks for you, when you speak God speaks through you.
You hear the celestial music as you march from ecstasy to ecstasy from eternity to eternity.
The Article been contributed by Asis Deb