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Thursday, September 25, 2008

From Ecstacy To Ecstasy

Unless you stretch yourself, unless you practice stretching your mind on a regular basis with utmost sincerity, unless you are in touch with your true self, you will not find peace; never ever find peace.
You might have everything life can offer- name-fame-riches-social status- plenty of people at your beck and call. Yet, you will be empty at heart. Until you are in tune with your higher destiny you will experience lack.
You might have cooked Chicken Biryani or Chicken Ala Kiev, put all your heart and soul to cooking, but have forgotten to add salt, how will the dish taste? Despite all the good ingredients, despite all your effort it will be tasteless.
Likewise, one must live for a cause, live for something greater than oneself or else life will be meaningless. “That something greater than oneself,” you might call God, without which something is missing in life.
As you surrender yourself wholly and solely to God, you will recognize, your requirements are met, your needs are taken care of. Deep inside you will feel, there is someone who guides you and leads you to the royal road of fulfillment.
The forces that drag you down- the people that pull you down have become powerless for your journey upward has already begun. You will experience a kind of joy you have never experienced before, taste the kind of freedom you have never tasted before.
Within you is love overflowing that no language can describe, as you notice, when you think, God thinks for you, when you speak God speaks through you.
You hear the celestial music as you march from ecstasy to ecstasy from eternity to eternity.

The Article been contributed by Asis Deb

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Be Buddha

We know about Buddha, his life. In his youth he didn’t see any illness, or any old person, and above all he had no idea about death. The first time he saw an old man, a person suffering from illness and a dead body that changed him. He realised this world is not true. So began his search for truth and became – Buddha, the wise. But alas! We, everyday see old man, dying person, ill person still we believe nothing will happen to us. We will be fine always. This is not true. Everything won’t be the same always. We also have to die, suffer from illness. Our youth won’t stay long; we won’t be beautiful and fit always. This is the truth of this world. Know it. And be wise like Buddha.
Every one of us wants to be happy, but in this world it is not possible in this form. Until and unless one realises the Supreme Truth one will not be happy always. So to becoming Buddha is the only path to happiness.

Some extracts of Bhagavan's speach.

Friday, September 19, 2008

March On

March on. Do not allow life to stop. Remove all tiredness. Conquer all weakness. Be aware, that you are entitled to Eternity. Manifest yourself. Allow to blossom your latent wisdom. In your real Self, you are Saccidãnanda – Existence, Knowledge and Bliss Absolute. Ye Inhabitants of the world, sons of the immortal, realise your Self and cut asunder all your bondages. In you lie infinite strength. Realise it and become the ruler of your own destiny. Remember, that in the real nature of our Self we are One and Indivisible.

Deep In Our Mind

Mind is the most disturbing element. We can see many waves in the sea. The waves are always in motion. Some time it comes up some times down. Similarly we can see lots of thoughts are rising and again diminishing. But from where all the thoughts are coming and where it is going no one knows. All thoughts diminish like the waves in the sea. All these ups and downs of thoughts or waves of sea are very beautiful and attractive to look.
When we go in sea deep we will realize that the sea is so calm that can not be recognized by the people who are standing on the sea shore. Similarly we will find our mind is vibrating always but beyond this vibration there is a space of tranquility and peace. From outside we will not going to get the way. For this taste tranquility and peace we have to go deep, deep and deep in our mind.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Life is a journey towards Truth. Some walks in this path knowingly others remain ignorent, but they are also going towards the Truth.

Truth is divine. Thuth is Bliss. Thuth is God.

Realising the Truth within is the ultimate knowledge.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Human Mind - The Biggest Enigma

The biggest enigma is the human mind.
The greatest enigma is the mind of man that functions at different labels. Man is part animal and part God – the animal and the God live side by side within the same frame.
Is it possible to raise the animal to the level of God, you ask?
The answer is –YES.
Yes, it is possible to elevate the mind to a higher stage of consciousness- higher and higher and still higher.
Yes, it is possible to achieve a state of absolute bliss and absolute peace and remain there for humans are actually spiritual beings that have come down to have human experience.

The world had never been perfect in the past and will never be perfect in the future. We would be making fools of ourselves should we try to change it. The real joy – the real happiness the real peace, “the peace that passes all understanding” can only be found if we search within.
As we go within, as we start discovering our inner self, we find there is no disharmony no discord nor chaos of any kind anywhere, the birds are singing and the bees are humming all around us, everything is alive pulsating with inner joy, there is hardly any difference amongst cultures, amongst nationalities or races or classes.
Can be ours – ours for ever.
As we dive deep inside
We realize there is a basic unity in everything that we see or sense, every idea, every expression, every invention stems from the same source – the higher mind, the mind of all minds, the soul of all souls when each one of us feel -

The article been contributed by Asish Deb.

Monday, September 15, 2008

A True Spiritual Guru....

At the cross road of my life I felt strongly that a spiritual Guru is the only person who can guide me to move in the right direction in the balance portion of my life. I was not sure how to find such a Guru. Moreover, I read in a sacred book that you cannot search a Guru for you – Guru just appears in your life at the appropriate time. I did not believe it but strangely within a short period I was proved wrong.

By sheer chance, I came in contact with Shree Bhagavan – founder and live wire of International Vedanta Society (IVS) about one and half year back. After 2/3 meetings with him, I realized that the Guru has actually appeared in my life proving the ancient scriptures correct even today. Shree Bhagavan is preaching essence of VEDANTA in a very simple language to the interested people tirelessly for the last 25 years. Now we ( myself and my wife Anupa) are visiting Kolkata ashram of IVS regularly particularly in the evening to participate in the interactive discourses delivered by Shree Bhagavan/ Sannyasis( his direct disciples ).

In the major part of my life I was absorbed and interested in the outer world only. Now I have started asking myself seriously – “ who am I”, “ why I am here” etc etc. My life style has become simpler and without any addition of physical wealth ( I am a retired person ) I feel more content than before. I am now looking at life from entirely different angle.

Though the journey has just started and the destination ( realisation of God ) is far off – I have started getting the taste of spirituality through the loving guidance of Shree Bhagavan/Sannyasis. My wife is totally with me in this new pleasant journey.

I will be very glad if even one person is benefited from this message. I am also keen to know about real life cases of spirituality from others. Let us share spiritual experiences for mutual benefits.

Love; Jai Bhagavan
The article been contributed by Mr. K.P.Bhattacharjee.

Shadows of Life

Life is always on.....

It does not come to a halt, till we die

We are supposed to enjoy everything

But alas! we can't!!!

We are that fool who always create mess of everything.

We were given everything ready for us

Before we came to this world

Here was everything- planty ....

Still, we suffer; as our cricis never ends.

Where is the crisis?

Its our mind,

Our deisre, our lust, all these are filling our mind

We are restless our mind does not stop -- wanting

So what to do!

We have to suffer for our mind

Friday, September 12, 2008

Merging With HIM

Asish Deb narrates his experience with Bhagavan:-

Spiritual science, popularly known as Spirituality is the essence of elevating one to a higher level of awareness. My experiences of different days are put together here.
Bhagavan in His usual posture spoke:-

Stage I: In the absence of noise, I re-discover myself.
In the absence of anything to drag me or distract me
the light that lies within comes and bathes me from head to toe, causing an awesome sensation in the body. I experience a kind of joy, no language can express, the feeling no color can portray, I am in the prime of my youth when the universe takes a human form and says: “Come, explore me.”

Stage II: Things, hitherto ignored by me come alive with deep inner meaning as I experience the presence of a consciousness that elevates, the consciousness that guides me and leads me to the royal road of fulfillment.

Stage III : Deep inside I feel
I am stronger than the strongest,
Wiser than the wisest,
Greater than the greatest.

I am the sea and the sand,
The snow and the mountain,
The sun and the moon,
The stars and the planets
And the galaxies.

Stage IV : I realize
I am more than my physical body
I am the infinite intelligence,
The strength of all strengths,
The light of all lights,
The cause of all causes
A voice from deep within cries:


Sunday, September 7, 2008

Beauty is within us. Still we wander in this world to find something meaningful, something wonderful. But this world can't give us the ultimate satisfaction until we discover the real wealth within us. The dissatisfaction from this world leads us to search for the ultimate. The beauty, the divinity, the bliss, all these are within us. Just stop a while to find this truth. Peep inside, you will have everything.

Friday, September 5, 2008


From very early age people learnt value of treasure. They always want to have some treasure in their possession. In that process, to get some treasure people always ready to bear all sufferings. We know, to have some great things, we also have to pay some. So whatever the sufferings it doesn't matter if we have great wealth in our possession.

Gold-money was the wealth of the first generation of human civilization. Later, we discovered our intellectual treasure. Thus we produced great literature. All poetry-novels, scientific inventions and discovery were the treasure then.

Still human civilization couldn't be satisfied. All these type of wealth are in the form of gold or money, or intellectual treasure couldn't fill our thirst for wealth. So the civilization again became restless. It couldn't find the solution what wealth would be making human race feel satisfied. It won't be restless then. All through the civilization human race feel hungry for wealth until they discover the Great Treasure within oneself. This is the true treasure.

So go deep down within you to have that great wealth. This wealth will make you fully satisfied. Then you won't be searching any more treasure. Then only, one will start enjoying this world. Don't stop till you discover this treasure within you. Make your mind and body prepare for all hurdles that will appear on the way. Success is sure here as this treasure is within us. So discover your Self.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


How many people can say they know themselves? Really know themselves?
It may sound silly to ask such a seemingly simple question, but if you think about it you'll see it really isn't so simple after all.

I think I know myself pretty well. I've spent more than my fair share of time getting to know me, getting to know the real me, as I struggled with my situation and where it would ultimately lead. I think any journey of self-discovery requires a significant amount of introspection, and this is certainly no exception. Believe me, I've paid my dues.

Who am I? Why am I here? What is the real purpose of my life? And ultimately, will it even matter? These are deep, deep questions that people have asked for as long as people have been able to think for themselves. They are the foundations for philosophy, religion, science, entire cultures and civilizations throughout history. In my mind, the fact that we even ask these questions is one of the key things that differentiate us from other creatures on the earth.

Meeting with HIM


Asish Deb a member of International Vedanta Society expresses his feelings-

There exists a thin layer between the two planes – the plain of reality and the plain of spirituality.

The highly developed Guru who has reached the summit of spirituality himself can at will remove the layer that separates reality from spirituality.

When such a Guru, who is a rare find, comes to the aid of a spiritual aspirant, the task becomes easy- at times it can be as simple as sipping a cup of instant coffee. Such is the strength of the Guru; such is the power of the master.
One can find such a master in Bhagavan, the founder and core of International
Vedanta Society.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Mind is a cluster of thoughts.
A crash between matter and consciousness gives the birth of a Thought.
A thought cannot live without matter.
But consciousness is always present.
Thou are that.