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Sunday, July 11, 2010

My Master-My Guru-My Bhagavan

Bhagavan, an inspiration, that which is flooding the world with a very powerful spiritual wave. He is the ideal of this modern world.  Who, knows to win against all the odds. Bhagavan, shows the path, there you need nothing extraordinary supernatural power to solve all your problems.  What you need is just a self-inspiration.  With the help of this one can conquer everything.

Bhagavan, the embodiment of love, in this world where untrustworthiness rules, where everybody is very suspicious about everything, there he stands firm with his engulfing love as the new beacon and hope for this civilization.

Bhagavan, he is everybody’s very own and very close to their heart.  His simplicity makes other feel comfortable to be with him.  He seeds the power to those who come in contact with him, so that one can achieve liberation.  Liberation from all those which make us suffer.

An inspiration, the embodiment of love, the simple person, whose sermon is so powerful and dragging everyone in the path of liberation.  Bhagavan is such.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

A letter by Bhagavan to his sannyasins

                                                                          A letter by Bhagavan to his sannyasins

Dear Sannyasins,

            Received your letters. The news of the world what we are making or receiving is no news at all.  These are all like old news from old news papers.  The news from inner world is the news.  On getting the news of that world you renounced your so called world.  The Truth is, we ever have nothing.  What I only have was “I”.

            The two words- ‘my’ & ‘I’ has to be ‘I’ – this is the only work.  Only one ‘I’ is flowing.  Till the physical feeling have to – remain with ‘I’.  Even that flow also stops.  Writing you letter, Swamiji’s (Vivekananda) photo is in front of me.  Writing you two lines from Swamiji.  Meditate and think on these two lines.

            >“My body’- this feeling is the cause of all evils.  If there is any sin, then this is the only sin.’

            >Worldly matters which can not vibrate one person has achieved immortality.

            You are monks’ Swamiji should be your ideal.  The path on which you are – have to see the end of it.  It won’t be the yard stick of Truth, no matter how many Taj Mahals you will build.  How much you have established yourself on ‘I’ is more important.  It is more important to be perfect to myself.  Your deed will be done according to your sanskars (habits).

            In this world, I think, I have finished my work.  I am standing at the end of this perfect path.  I am satisfied. Very satisfied.  For that you believed me and followed me in this path – if you can keep your firm faith going, you too will one day reach here.  Received letters from Nirgunananda, Sankarananda & Bhaskarananda.  Till this body remains, more works will be done automatically.  You be true monks.  The world has not witnessed a true thing for long.  The Supreme Power that which is controlling us all, the Great Shiva who is always alive at your place there, who bestowed me the blessing of  immortality – your sannyas is my immortality; praying to that Lord the Great Shiva – “ O my Lord! Make my sons also immortal.”

            Nothing else remains for me to do at this moment. … Every month let me know about your spirituality and work.

            Work for Vedanta Society for time pass.  Or what else you will remain with?

                                                                              With love,
